DROPSTONE Cabinet de conseils, affaires humanitaires et développement

Development of tailor-made project management databases

DROPSTONE has developed skills in designing and constructing databases for the management of information related to water supply and sanitation projects, borehole drilling campaigns, hydrogeology, geochemestry, but also the management of specialized libraries or engineering projects. We are working together with a team of IT specialists, data analysts and computer scientists and are dedicating an important part of any software development to understand thoroughly the need of the different final users. We are offering tailor-made solutions, where each incremental step is tested in-depth and presented to the Client until the final product can be delivered successfully.

Dropstone just finalized (October 2020) the development of a database for the monitoring of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) projects implemented by the Swiss Humanitarian Aid worldwide. The WASH Monitoring Tool (WMT) is a user friendly software that allows to enter almost 300 parameters per project, store data safely, and produce automatized statistics. It was tailor-made to the needs of the Client. In the past, the production of statistics for reports or monitoring purposes was a lengthy and cumbersome process. The users had to operate manually a very large Excel table, where data was introduced without integrity checks. Developments were made with Excel and VBA. Today, the WMT produces 12 accurate graphs in less than a minute for any specified range of time, whereas previously it took almost a week to get the same result.

Between 2015 and 2017, Dropstone was mandated by the Geological Service of the State of Geneva to evaluate, analyze, improve and develop the hydrogeological database in use. As a result, the GESDEC benefits from an tailor-made display of information on dynamic maps, which allow an accurate and efficient monitoring of potential underground water pollutions. We have also developed an robust system for data import (chemical analysis from labs) through secured entry screens. Powerful calculations, comparisons between chemical elements, automated generation of reports are all available in the software. Developments were made with Access and VBA.

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