DROPSTONE Cabinet de conseils, affaires humanitaires et développement


DROPSTONE is specialised in the fields of Hydrogeology & Geothermal Energy on the one hand, and Humanitarian Affairs & Mediation for Peace on the other hand.

DROPSTONE’s engineers and scientists provide support in Switzerland to the Geological Survey of Geneva and the Industrial Services of Geneva. They are investigating the underground waters of Geneva Basin, and conducting applied research in the domains of geothermal energy and hydrogeology.

DROPSTONE works as well in countries affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters, or in development contexts. The water supply and sanitation projects, including state-of-the-art hydrogeological studies, or rehabilitation of community infrastructure (pumping stations, surface water treatment plants, health centres, schools, …) constitute the core competences of the company.

Our experts manage the overall cycle of the project, from initial needs assessments to strategy planning, implementation, backstopping, knowledge sharing and external project evaluation.

Through time and with the experience of implementing projects in complex environments, the company has developed an expertise in mediation for peace, which includes the development of discreet channels of communication with non-state armed groups, and humanitarian access negotiation. DROPSTONE is regularly solicited to carry out these kinds of missions. It provides advisory services for ongoing mediation processes between non-state armed groups and governments in West and Central Africa.